My family has felt the full wrath of Covid-19 & I hope this thread is read by anyone considering bending the rules w/ too many guests over for Thanksgiving. This is a personal story, which I don't do very often, but I believe laying this out might save lives. So, bear with me.
Early in spring it was the week of my wife's and father-in-law's birthday. We typically celebrate it. It's a fun day and night. But the warnings were out: avoid family gatherings, not much was understood yet about Covid-19.
My wife, kids & I did listen to the advice. None of us has gotten Covid-19. However, sadly, at least half the people who did attend contracted the disease. It brought our family to our knees while my father in law remained in a coma for 35 days. Others were asymptomatic
It was devastating. We were told once that we needed to prepare to "pull the plug" only for him to miraculously turn the corner two days later. The roller coaster of emotions was unbearable at times. I tried to be the rock for my wife, but this was frightening to all of us.
My father in law finally made it out of the hospital. He had lost at least 40 pounds. But we only had him for about two weeks before he sadly passed due to complications caused by this unforgiving virus. With the holidays approaching, we are heartbroken.
I feel awful for my mother in law & wife. What they continue to go thru I do not wish on anyone. Please, I beg, take this seriously. It only takes 1 person & you could be us. It's not worth it. Postpone Thanksgiving until this country is a safer place once the vaccines roll out.
Seeing the sharp rise is opening wounds for my family. I miss him so much. I always relied on him to help me fix things around the house. His patience was inspiring. Believe me, all of this still has not sunk in. But as holidays approach, it will. He was a great person!
I grew up in a bit of turmoil & I haven't seen my real dad in almost three decades. My father in law, over time, was sort of taking that role. That childhood haunts me but it was comforting knowing I had an awesome father in law. He was a role model and he adored my baby girl.
His kindness was unlike anything I've ever seen. The pain burns some days. There are days I can't stop thinking about him. It's hard to focus. We all love you so damn much.
I would give up every Thanksgiving to have him back. My mother in law lost her best friend, my wife lost her dad and I lost the only father figure in my life.
So, again, don't let this happen to your family. It's devastating to lose someone from something that can be avoided. That's what makes this so hard. Not trying to scare you. But do you want to be in our situation? Do the right thing. Peace to all. We will get through this!!
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