I will address this severe DISINFORMATION in a short thread. Report and block this pic when you see it.
1. Before the wave of typhoons, the VP's self-quarantine due to exposure was DONE. The imposed quarantine on her covid-positive team members was DONE and confirmed by testing.
2. BOTH the VP and the lolo were wearing masks (granted the lolo was slightly wrong since blow the nose). The VP's was KN95, which is able to prevent any viruses from getting out of her, and any viruses to get to her.
3. I am pretty sure she has the fancy thing called ALCOHOL or HAND SANITIZER. Wao, trolls, so fancy, so hard to bring along or be held by any of the security team.
I do concede that in some places crowding could not be avoided. But as I said earlier, between masks and avoiding crowding, ensuring masks is far more important, especially in a crisis situation. Also officials and her team request distancing as much as able.
More about the handshaking:
The reason it's DISCOURAGED (not PROHIBITED) is that people tend to shake several hands in succession, often after touching multiple surfaces. Touching eyes, mouth, or nose afterward is how SARS-COV2 enters te system.
But if one does regular handwashing or hand sanitizing, and also doesn't touch the face, this risk is reduced by a lot.
In VP's case the fact that she has a mask, eyeglasses, and likely alcohol or sanitizer all decrease risk from catching or transmitting the virus.
I will still say DO NOT shake hands (wave hello, praying hand salute, elbow touching are all cool) and wash hands regularly, but for goodness sakes this is a calamity! Consider the context! Consider that they really are intentionally not mentioning hand sanitizing measures.
Straight from the VP's FB, this is the correct context. It was a visit last November 18, when they visited Ragay, Camarines Sur, for relief efforts.
The events and distributing had correct physical distancing as much as able.
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