Some #SupernaturalFinale thoughts. Because writing tends to help me process.

Overall, I loved the finale, I think.

Even though parts of it hurt, a lot.

Mainly - I keep crying over the idea of Sam having to keep going without Dean for so many years.
That's the toughest part for me (and I am tearing up thinking about it yet again)

But. I also keep coming back to, it's realistic. It sucks & it hurts, but it's REAL.

People die. Sometimes unexpectedly in really shitty, stupid ways.
And the people they love have to go on - *carry on* - without them.

I've never been in that situation myself, of losing someone close to me unexpectedly, but I can imagine it hurts like hell.

I suspect if/when I ever am in a situation like that,
I might draw comfort from this episode, from the thought of Sam continuing to live & really having a *life* despite the pain of losing Dean.

Right now, though? It just HURTS. And part of me hates it, because that's not the way it's supposed to happen, dammit!
They're supposed to be happy and alive *together*!

But again. Life doesn't always happen the way it's "supposed to."

And, I don't know, thinking about it like that, finding meaning in it like that, makes me feel better about it.
As always, no judgment on anyone who feels differently. We all have different experiences & views & expectations that influence our feelings & whether you loved the episode or hated it or somewhere in between, your feelings are valid. Love & hugs to you all đź’ś #SPNFamilyForever
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