In honor of Adam Driver’s 37th trip around the sun here’s 37 things I love about this big tiddy bitch
1. His laugh
2. His smile
3. His hands 🙌🏽
4. His eyes 👁👄👁
5. His lorge arms 💪🏼
6. His impeccable chest 🥵
7. His acting 🎭
8. He’s from the Midwest like me 🥺🌽🌾
9. He got shoe game 👟
10. Little Adam 🥺
12. When he busts out the flannels and embraces his Midwestern roots 😌🌽
13. He’s funny
14. Moose 🥺
15. This Solo family portrait 🖼
16. When he feeds us unexpectedly
17. His hose 👃🏼
18. His 5 min as Ben Solo outshined everything else in tros 😌
19. Meme King 👑 and he doesn’t even know it
20. Favorite movies
21. Drunk Adam 🍻
23. WHEN 🗣 HE 🗣 YELLS 🗣
24. clean shaven Adam 🪒
25. Bearded Adam 🧔🏻
26. His luscious lips 👄
27. His HAIR 💇🏻‍♂️ aka thank you AK groomer 🥰

P.s he knows we have an affinity for his hair 😅
28. Favorite interview: it’s so chaotic and Adam Driver needs to work with Channing Tatum again in the near future 🤞🏽
29. He’s the best SNL host and the only reason I can get through a whole episode of it
30. He’s the #1 Ben Solo defender
31. His moles 🥺
32. He is a whopping beefy 6’3 🚶🏻‍♂️
33. Favorite Adam quote:
34. Adam is a reylo 🥺💕
35. The moment I decided I was going to stan this man:
36. This bit with John Oliver
37. He plays Ben Solo 🥺
and fin I hoped y’all enjoyed me flooding your tl these past 2 days 💕
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