i am in insufferable pain right now
follow me if you’re even remotely kinder than this person or know how to fold a fitted sheet because the state fold-offs are next month and i need to get practicing !
There’s a good bit of conversation surrounding this and understandably so. So I’d just like to give my opinion if anyone cares. When you body shame someone for something such as weight, height, physical appearance etc. it can do a lot more damage than you think it might(1/15)
From 3rd-9th grade i was obese and struggled severely with self-confidence because of that. I tied my worth to my weight and it drastically affected my childhood. It also didn’t help that my peers would make fun of my weight relentlessly (2/15)
There were days some of the kids would twist my nipples so hard they would bleed. Days where they would talk about my weight so much I would go home and try to cry myself to sleep so I could have some semblance of peace before I knew I’d have to endure the same the next day(3/15)
After my freshman year i’d had enough and decided I wasn’t going to be made fun of anymore for that. So I lost 60 pounds the summer before my sophomore year and added 25 lbs of muscle the summer before my junior year (4/15)
The tonalities of my friends and peers changed when that happened and they started giving my the respect I’d always deserved. But even when those same people who said and did all of those mean things to me decided that they now all of a sudden wanted to be my friend (5/15)
I showed them kindness they didn’t deserve that I so desperately wanted and needed as a young boy. Comments like the one in this text from people about my body don’t bother me anymore because I’d dealt with worse as a kid. But I understand why someone would be hurt by this (6/15)
Insensitive and unnecessary comments like this are exactly that. Insensitive and unnecessary. We desperately need to spend more time building each other up instead of breaking each other down and it starts at a young age (7/15)
Teaching your children and yourself how to respect and build up your peers is something I don’t think is talked about enough. If I’d of had a different situation as a child, I wouldn’t suffer nearly as much with self-confidence issues i still struggle with today sometimes (8/15)
Unfortunately, there are mean people in this world who will do anything they can to put others down and build themselves up. But if they aren’t willing to change, fuck those people. Loving yourself for who you are is one of the best things you can do for yourself (9/15)
If you want to lose or gain weight, awesome. But do it for you and not for the appeasement of others. If you’re happy with the weight you’re at, awesome. You’re beautiful exactly how you are regardless of what someone else says (10/15)
But it starts by showing kindness & treating others how you’d like to be treated. We get nowhere when we tear each other down. When we build each other up we accomplish great things. Granted, I have moments where i catch myself being mean & is something to work on myself(11/15)
I’m far from perfect in that regard. But, if you think about it today, go out of your way to respectfully compliment a friend or someone random even though they might not expect it. I promise you it’ll make their day (12/?)
Now, if you’re looking for someone to build up, look no further than this amazing guy @DavidTWGoliath . I’ve been following his weight loss journey from the beginning and I can say without this man is one of the most inspiring people i’ve talked to (13/?)
The commitment and dedication he’s shown to this is parallel to few. He’s an amazingly friendly and super caring person who deserves all the support in the world and would deserve it even if he wasn’t trying to lose weight. (14/15)
Alright, rant over. Love yourself. Treat others with kindness. Don’t be a dick. And stay safe this holiday season(15/15)
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