So you have probably seen black people get upset on Twitter about white celebs or nonblack POC wearing black hairstyles and the like. Ever wondered, “Why is this a big deal, its just hair?” WELL, I am here to tell you that, no it’s NOT just hair.
Buckle up cause we are gonna talk about the not so wonderful world of CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. Or aka the quickest way white people to whine about cultural appreciation as an excuse.
Disclaimer: cultural appropriation is one of those topics where you have different black people’s opinions on it however it is still important to learn why it’s an issue when white and nonblack POC wear black hairstyles.
Cultural Appropriation: adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. Culture is fluid so it would be inappropriate to stand here and try to dictate things. HOWEVER, that is a common excuse to ignore the actual issues.
Cultural appropriation and cultural APPRECIATION are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN.
What can be considered cultural appropriation? A classical example is white people using Native American headdresses as accessories. Or using them for Halloween costumes. (Note: Don’t do this, please. Seriously don't fucking do this)
So why is it an issue? Well, a short definition of it is when you adopt an aspect of someone’s culture that isn’t your own. However, the issue that is underneath is the power dynamic where members of that dominant group take elements from a culture of oppressed people
That is the issue. It is NOT the same as assimilation, because I have heard counter-arguments (by white people no less) that black people wear wigs and straighten their hair.
Well MAYBE if the world didn’t value euro-centric hair and features all the damn time we wouldn’t BE IN THIS SITUATION NOW WOULD WE KAREN?! Assimilation means that oppressed communities adopt elements from to make life easier than if they wouldn’t.
Black people ESPECIALLY women are barred from jobs if we dare wear our hair in dreadlocks, braids, or anything but what is deemed “clean”. Ironically we spent massive amounts of money on hair products to take care of our hair but it’s still deemed dirty and unclean.
*breathes* so now lets talk about the Crown Act in the United States. A long story short it is an anti-hair discrimination law that prevents employers, schools, etc to discriminate against people's hairstyles, specifically natural hairstyles and protective styles of black ppl
cause THIS IS AMERICA WHERE WE NEED TO HAVE A FUCKING LAW AGAINST DISCRIMINATING AGAINST SOMEONE'S FUCKING HAIR. okay now then, the act was passed in the House of Rep but considering who is in the Senate, its unlikely that it will be a federal law.
HOWEVER not all hope is lost! It has been passed in California, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Colorado, Maryland, Virginia! And twenty-three states have introduced the legislation. For more info check out the site: 
obviously, there is a lot more to cultural appropriation than just black people's hair but this is the aspect of it that affect black people. Cultural appropriation is not cultural appreciation
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