Hi, I wrote a long thing. I'm a nobody and you shouldn't listen to me. I'm not even part of the community nor the people affected. That said, these are just some questions I feel need to be answered. So here's a thread. /1
Q. Why can't you just let streamers play games and not focus on identity politics?

A. First, games are inherently political, like all art. Second, it's a privilege to be able to divest yourself from politics & some folks actually have an inherent responsibility to not do so. /2
Q. Why do streamers have a responsibility to address issues like this?

A. First off, not all streamers do. There are lots of small streamers who can be free to play video games and never have to speak on this kind of stuff. /3
However, if you have a larger following you kinda have more of a responsibility, whether you want it or not. The word influencer is a bit of a joke term in a lot of ways but it really fits with what we're talking about. If you are getting even 100 viewers every stream... /4
your words and actions/inaction actively influence those viewers, whether you intend that or not. So if you, for instance, refuse to speak on issues of identity politics in your own community becuse you would rather keep your stream apolitical... /5
your silence does actually say something when members of your community are being actively harmed by others in your community. If the streamer reacts with vitriol or derision, well, that's a different story entirely. /6
Q. So there was harassment in my community, but the streamer didn't harass anyone directly. Why are people coming after them?

A. As an influencer here, it is the streamer's responsibility to at least speak out on the issues. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. /7
By proxy of doing nothing, you are partially culpable for the actions of your fanbase if you don't speak out. It sucks and it seems unfair, but it is the nature of being influential. /8
Q. I'm tired of cancel culture/censorship/SJWs. Can't you just leave people alone?

A. I would respond to that with another question: Can't you just be better? I grew up using "gay" or the r-slur as a synonym for "stupid." I said the f-slur. This was the culture I grew up in. /9
However, once you find that what you are doing is harming someone - or has the potential to - I don't see why you wouldn't want to change. It's actually a simple thing to change your language or speak out against bigotry or even apologize. It's very simple to show empathy. /10
Q. I have written off a streamer for enabling bad behavior. What about my friends who still watch?

A. That's really a personal choice. There are some streamers I have seen who I find really abrasive personality-wise or have seen them hold some really repugnant views. /11
I don't watch them. That said, others don't have to make that same choice. The viewer doesn't have the same responsibility the influencer does. People are hesitant to accept bad behavior from someone they follow/consider friends or may even be fully ignorant of the situation. /12
I wouldn't write off my friends for still watching. That said, it may be worth it to contextualize your own feelings on the situation and speak with them. If it hurts and they're your friend, they should be willing to listen. If not, well they don't seem like a good friend. /13
Q. This isn't biogtry/transphobia/shitty behavior. It's people joking around. Can't you lighten up? Take a joke?

A. Here's a personal anecdote. Take it how you will. For around a decade, I was a very vocal member on a message board (this is how you know I am old). /14
This time spanned from my late teens to mid 20s, and I would have considered myself a troll and an asshole. I definitely did things that the Matt of 2020 would look at and be appalled by and excused it because it was "funny." /15
Even in this small, small circle of influence, I eventually came to the realization that what I was doing was harmful AND that my actions influenced others - in particular, this was a forum frequented by younger members. I regret a lot of my actions from that time period /16
Even if I can look back on them whistfully with the great friends I made during those times, I still find a profound sense of embarassment and shame for some of those things. I have made strides to change who I am, because punching down is simply not funny. /17
Marginalized folks and people in weaker conditions than myself, a straight cis white male, don't need to be mocked. Not because it makes me feel bad but because it's just common human decency. /18
It is impossible - IMPOSSIBLE - to have a streaming "persona" and not be at least partially responsible if you spew vitriol or enable it - see Dr. Disrespect. /19
Q. Okay, I'm just tired of this drama. I want my friends to not be divided anymore. How do I fix this?

A. It hurts, but you can't. These valleys separate families, they will certainly separate communities. It's okay to be sad and disappointed by these kinds of things. /20
It's okay to vocalize it and wish it were some other way. However, you can't fix other people. It's okay to sever. It's okay to move on. /21
Above all, I dunno. There are human beings I love dearly that are trans, people of color, gay, bi, and everything on every spectrum you can imagine. Practice empathy. Practice love. Try and be better. Try to listen. /22
I'm just some guy who does cusses at video games. Do what you want and listen to your heart. Take care, spike your hair, woo woo woo, you know it. /end
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