I'm going to have a 5+ hour Masks session tomorrow so I'll be using that character. Like away so I can share everything about her.
Her name is Sophia Read.
Her hero name is Atalanta, which comes from a Greek myth about a woman who was raised by bears before being reunited with her royal dad. He wanted her to get married and she said if any guy could beat her in a foot race she'd marry him. She was badass.
She is a Beacon with the acrobatics and bow & arrow abilities.
4. She was literally a cheerleader in school and she very much fits that archetype. Very cheerful, enthusiastic, tries to uplift others, but also tries to hide all her personal failings.
5. Her hero costume is Greek inspired. White top and skirt with gold accents and mask. Her parents are costume designers and makers for Renn Faires so they helped her put it together.
6. Her mom, Letitia; her dad, Jason; her boyfriend, Matt; and her team.
7. Her mom, Letitia; her dad, Jason; her boyfriend, Matt; Zephyr; some kids from school; and her team.
8. Whaaaat? Noooo. Everyone loves Sophia... Except Matt's brother and the villains she's helped take down. And there was that one time "Stop being teen heroes" was written in blood on the wall in her team's base, but we don't talk about that.
9. "One person's annoying is another's inspiring and heroic."- Leslie Knope (Season 6, Episode 5)
10. Sophia is scared that her boyfriend will turn back to villainy, especially if his brother gets out of jail.
11. She's very scared that a demon will literally take her boyfriend's soul and her whole world will fall apart.
12. Sophia would genuinely wish for peace all across the world. She'd be out of a job but she just wants people to be happy and safe.
13. She believes people are innately good and can be so again if they want to and are given the right help.
14. Sophia loves to spend time with her boyfriend, her best friend Zephyr, and her team. Her perfect day is hanging out with all of them all day, but they don't all get along with each other (specifically Matt and Kendall) so it probably won't happen, or at least not often.
15. She's very good about doing tasks (like homework and stuff) in a timely manner.
16. She feels a need to appear perfect basically all the time, so she hides when she's upset and will basically only open up to people about being upset or her failures if completely alone for a one-on-one convo.
17. Sophia is incredibly good with bows. On her first date with Matt (at the Renn Faire where she worked) she shot an M into a target.
Also, denial and running away from problems. She's great at that!
18. Sophia is most proud of her unwavering friendship and her skill with a bow and arrow.
19. She used to want powers. Seeing her bf's obsession w/ them she doesn't want them anymore.
She would want to be able to be more open w/ her friends. Rn, the only person she tells everything to is Matt & she wants to be comfortable telling her friends about her insecurities too
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