Lionel Shriver:

“In the absence of any persuasive scientific evidence that they significantly impede transmission of the virus, masks are clearly performing a different function.”
“Part of it is tribal, especially in the US: during the election it was like a ‘vote for Biden’ badge which you wore on your mouth.”
“They are also a sign of a sense of self-righteousness, virtuousness and communitarianism, as opposed to individualism.”
“And it’s clearly a sign of conformism. That gives me the creeps. An environment where everyone is wearing masks makes me feel like I’m stuck in a real-life sci-fi novel.“
“This is perpetuating a fearful environment, making sure that no one ever forgets that as of March 2020, everything changed and can never go back to normal. This is about social control, and it repels me.“
“I had an appointment with the doctor recently. I had not met him before. We were masked up. I needed to know who this guy was, & whether I could trust him, because it was about surgery. But I was keenly aware of the fact our ability to communicate was hugely impeded.”
“We could use words, but a lot of your ability to communicate is non-verbal. Your face says everything. Your ability to communicate emotionally and with any nuance is incredibly impeded by a mask.“
Indeed, most of what we say is via our ancient and brilliant language or emotional expressions, the topic of my and @DrTimBarber’s upcoming book, UNMASKED: Why We Express Emotions.
“this is unbelievably destructive of social life. If this were to go on for years – and we are potentially looking at that – it would start to tear at the fabric of cohesive social identity, of communities and cities and nations.”
“We no longer deal with each other as human beings. The loss is fantastic.”
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