Christmas party where bkdk happen to be sitting under a mistletoe. Camie points it out and says they have to kiss but Bkg fuckin rockets himself off the couch. Camie shrugs and says she’ll just sit down and smooch on Deku then but Bkg grabs Deku and YEETS him off the couch.
oblivious Deku thinking Bakugou has a crush on Camie after that 😩.
Oh god. Everyone staring at Bkgo’s outburst and deku all ruffled on the floor after being bodily thrown off the couch. Bkg turning red yelling “NOBODY’S DOING THAT GROSS SHIT IN HERE” and blasting the mistletoe and, subsequently, part of the ceiling.
OH OH even better if everyone thinks it’s because Katsuki has a thing for Camie, but out of everyone Camie SEEEEEES his feelings for Deku 👁👁
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