Everyone in #Startup is flawed. Just like real life we’re shaped by our backgrounds, our beliefs, the choices we’ve made. I think our feelings for these characters & their story arcs is a reflection of who we are, and just like Startup there is something—
to learn from everyone, no matter who you’re rooting for. #Jipyeong is an orphan. With no family nor support system, his defense mechanisms were put into place by his background. Imagine never being chosen at the orphanage despite being there for years. His cold behavior—
was shaped by his past. No matter what team you’re on, his desire to be loved, to belong is something we can all relate to. I’ve seen many stories of orphans saying how much they understood his character. We can’t invalidate how they feel. Maybe you can relate to him—
because you know what it’s like to feel alone. Or maybe you hate him because he reminds you of when you felt alone. All valid perspectives.—
#Jipyeong asked “Do you want facts or hopes and dreams?” For people who have had their dreams shattered or perhaps don’t have the luxury to risk, the realistic angle would sound more enticing. Jipyeong has been hurt before, he was a poor kid with nothing.—
#Jipyeong pushes facts/reality because he doesn’t want people to make the same mistakes he did. But for those who are still trying to make something of themselves, the hopes & dreams route is preferable. Maybe you would rather be encouraged at this point in your life.—
No one is right/wrong. Everyone’s perspective is valid.
#Dosan is a child genius. He became his parents’ pride & joy for this. That award shaped him & tore him apart as he had to keep meeting expectations. —
He beat himself up for cheating but forgot to remember that he answered it all on his own, save for 1. We’ve all been there, that lack of confidence, that self-doubt is something we can all relate to. Maybe you can relate to him because you know what it’s like to feel unworthy.—
Or maybe you hate him because he reminds you of when you had no self-worth. Both valid still. On Dosan feeling lost, haven’t we all been there at some point? Maybe you can relate to him because feel lost right now.—
Or maybe you dislike him because he reminds you of when you were vulnerable too. Maybe you know a Dosan in your life who affected your life and that’s why you like/dislike him. All perspectives are valid. —
On #Dalmi finding comfort in the letters, she felt the love she desired— one that she lacked because of losing her father, her sister. NDS, despite his “success” being fake, inspired her to quit her job & start fresh.—
Maybe you like her because she reminds you of when you found someone who understands you. Maybe you like her because she reminds you to dream bigger.—
The way we’re all so affected by this show is what the the drama intended to do. If #Startup has made you feel things, reflect on your life and choices— that’s the highest compliment you can give to the writer, director, cast, production that brought this story to life. —
So where do we go from here? I’m hoping we can all empathize each other as we continue the discussions about #Startup. Remind yourself that no one’s feelings are invalid. —-
Discourse is healthy. Being critical is healthy. And at the end of the day, Startup’s characters all have room for growth and so do you. (PS. The actors deserve no hate, so stan peacefully without dragging them down. Thank you!) #Startup
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