As a child my third eye was active AF. They would be doing deliverance in church and I will see a man with animal features laughing. Do you know how many spiritual baths they gave me? I can not remember because they were a whole lot.
In boarding house I saw someone remove their head, place it on their lap and braid their hair themselves. I saw white goats dance round a tree and stop in unison. Guys I thought I was running mad. My mother Carried me to different bishops for cleansing.
Had sleep paralysis one time and I saw things. Things I can’t even describe because it will sound like fiction. One time one of them said “you shouldn’t be here,you shouldn’t be here” on repeat. Plus they are always surprised when they realize we can see them.
Anyways after one spiritual bath I stopped dreaming and seeing things for a very long while. Now it’s in my dreams but I ain’t as scared as I was as a child. I just wake up tired like I was running races.
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