hi, since i think a lot of my mutuals don’t seem to know about the issues in latam, i wanted to make a thread about it. i’m going to try to make it as organized, concise, and as least overwhelming as possible. please retweet and share this information with others.
i understand that we can feel helpless learning about these issues when we’re unable to actively do anything about it, but our attention, our voices, still matter. we need to pay attention. it places pressure on their leaders. nothing good can come from turning a blind eye.
i will add carrds and more threads at the very end if you want more information and will try to find information about how to help each country.
peru 🇵🇪
last monday, nov. 9th, their country’s president was removed from office by their corrupt congress. the president he was replaced by, merino, is corrupt as well and unqualified. he didn’t finish college and what he studied was not related to politics at all.
tw / the next tweets mention police brutality
🇵🇪 - peaceful protests began soon after and the police and military haven’t been treating them as such, which comes as no surprise. the press has been trying to frame these protests as violent too, even if they’re not.
🇵🇪 - there is serious police brutality happening in peru. murino has been removed from office now but the fight isn’t over. they have had a series of presidential changes over the past few days.
🇵🇪 - the current president is now francisco sagasti, he is not as bad as any of the other replacements. but this isn’t over. their congress is still corrupt and they need a new constitution. the current one does not protect peruvians especially not the poor, bipoc, lgbt, or women
what can you do for peru?

the most important thing is that we TALK ABOUT THIS. make sure the world sees the truth of what is happening in peru. we cannot look away or the govt will take advantage of it and continue to further oppress and work against its people.
take a deep breath. and remember your voice matters. we can help make sure things change but do so we must not turn a blind eye.

let’s continue.
🇲🇽 - two states, tabasco and chiapas, are flooded. some areas are almost completely under water. people don’t have shelter and are contracting illnesses from the dirty flood water. it’s going to continue to rain and it seems there’s another hurricane that will the area again soon
how can you help?

the only donation link i could find is to the mexican red cross with the following link. however, the site is in spanish. if you need any help my dms are open and i can try to help. https://www.cruzrojamexicana.org.mx/causa/detalle/46
🇬🇹🇭🇳🇳🇮 - a hurricane has impacted guatemala, nicaragua, and honduras as well. this carrd contains donation links, including those of the red cross of each country. https://oiaacrisis.carrd.co/#hurricaneeta 
tw / feminicidio or feminicide is the murder of women and are mentioned in the following tweets
🇲🇽 - feminicidios are one of the most serious problems in mexico right now. women fear for their lives and safety every day. their lives are in danger for the sole fact that they are women.
🇲🇽 - lópez obrador, the country’s president, does not acknowledge this issue. statistics show that feminicide rates are high. and yet he does not see it as a a problem.
what can you do?

again, your voice matters. speak up. the country’s own president isn’t acknowledging this as a problem. we need to talk about this. mexican women are dying, in gruesome and unspeakable ways. silence is deadly.
🇦🇷 🇧🇷 - argentina and brazil are on fire and has been for months. their govt is doing very little about it. it has not been raining.
how can you help?

there have not been enough people talking about this. a country has been on fire for MONTHS and yet there are people who probably have no idea. our power as individuals comes from our voices. if we pretend nothing is happening then who will help?
i know. my advice to help for most of these has been to simply speak up about it. it’s frustrating to be unable to truly do anything but it truly does make a difference to speak up. when people from other countries are paying attention, there is pressure on those in power to act.
we need to talk about it, make sure they know we’re watching. provide support for our latin american friends. let them know they are not standing alone in their struggles. because they shouldn’t be.
🇨🇴 - colombia has been hit by a hurricane as well. cartagena, a major city, is under water. their president has not spoken up about it.
🇨🇴 - the country has been protesting too, against the government, the murder of activists, feminicides, and police brutality.
🇻🇪 - venezuela has been facing economic oppression for years. their government does not work for its people. venezuela is among the countries that is suffering the most. i’m including a link to another thread because there really is a lot happening there that needs attention.
the media does not pay enough attention to the struggles these countries face. we need to start actively listening and paying attention ourselves. https://twitter.com/parkjkyj01/status/1312397712554369024
i sincerely apologize if this thread seems too vague, i’m not good at this. i’m not good at educating myself either. i find it much easier to simply retweet things and not think too much about these issues because we are all facing our own problems. we can’t really fix everything
all at once. but we need to make an effort to pay attention to what is happening in the world around us. people everywhere are suffering.
this thread was meant to be vague/succinct and encourage you all to take a look at more threads, i will link as many as i can at the end.
🇨🇱 - chile has been facing an economic crisis. people need multiple jobs to make a living and public transportation is incredibly. high.
🇪🇨 - in ecuador the government does not care about the well-being of its people. they are suffering a political and economic crisis, while politicians are well funded. several parts of the country are on fire. feminicides are rampant there as well.
tw / sexual abuse and terrorism
🇵🇾 - paraguay faces deforestation, droughts, fires, the indigenous people are losing their land and indigenous women suffer from sexual abuse and are being murdered. their is a terrorist group that claims to defend the people, but have kidnapped and murdered innocent people.
🇵🇾 - the government does nothing and actually cover up what is happening.
i will be creating a separate thread with more informational threads and carrds that you should take a look at.
the whole world is shit. we each have our own problems and it can be overwhelming to take in all of this information but it has to be done. we cannot simply look away. because if we do nothing changes. their fights are harder when no one pays attention.
share this information. this thread is only a small summary of what is happening because i know it can be harder to take in this information when it’s thrown at you in bulk. so take it in slowly. but make sure you’re paying attention.
the same or similar forces are oppressing us all, so we have to fight against them together.
- https://twitter.com/shikavaldez/status/1328481792572133376
i wanted to include this here as well because it’s important we recognize anti-blackness too https://twitter.com/catrasivyy/status/1328089156820594690
You can follow @shikavaldez.
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