Ben Shapiro is 5'4" but lists his height at 5'9".

That makes two places where Ben Shapiro wishes he had five more inches.
The angry Ben Shapiro fans in these comments are hilarious, but not in the way that they are trying to be.

I never understood why you idiots put him on a pedestal, but now I get it. It’s the only way you can see him.
I want to be clear. I’m not mocking Ben Shapiro for being 5’4”. I’m mocking him for pretending to be the arbiter of what makes a real man while being so insecure that he lies about his height.

Sorry, Ben. As you’re so fond of saying, facts don’t care about your feelings.
Part of me feels bad about dunking on Ben Shapiro for lying about his height. But I'm only dunking because his tiny hoop is so easy to reach.
If 15% of me felt bad for making fun of how Ben Shapiro lies about his height, the rest of me would still be taller than Ben Shapiro.
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