My husband is an EMT and just tested positive for covid-19. I'm getting my test today but I have the same symptoms as him so I'm assuming I have it too. Please wear your mask, please stay home as much as possible. Read the article linked below. It's really bad out there.
I did, btw, test positive. I'm now more than 10 days out from initial symptoms and feeling mostly better, but I have lost about 90% of my sense of taste and smell since November 14. Cooking is now difficult. All beverages taste like slightly alkaline or slightly acidic water.
I cannot taste: alliums of any kind, hot pepper, mustard/wasabi. Sugar I can detect a bit but it's very dull. Salt registers as a puckering on my tongue but it no longer enhances the taste of other foods. Citric acid is something I can still taste, but it's fairly bitter.
I have read that for most people their sense of taste and smell comes back after 2-4 weeks. It's only been 8 days for me so I'm hoping mine comes back. Food and cooking are such an important source of joy in my life and I'm frankly depressed now that I've lost them.
Today on a whim I tried Dr. Pepper and it tastes EXACTLY like seltzer water, with maybe a slightly more oily mouth feel from the corn syrup.
Coffee tastes like baker's chocolate mixed with water.

I do a *lot* of thinking about taste and smell and this is fundamentally different from the times I've lost smell on its own due to sinus infections. It's kind of fascinating, if infuriating.
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