daiya the live I to V dvd extras: quick translation/summary

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here’s wada takuma as miyuki kazuya bcos we all deserve this eyecandy 😍
from I - hirose tomoki (furuya) said he was so surprised when he found out that terajima-sensei will be joining their first cast meeting; he only found out when he saw his name in one of the panel nameplates and he shared it with wada; ren said it was nerve-racking
shiozaki airu (chris) said they were happy bcos accdg to wada, it rarely happens

from I - the actors shared the some vanity backstage; they each have their own space - ren, tomoki, wada, airu, taiga (haruichi), and hayama (kuramochi) sit next to each other
from I - accdg to wada, hayama and taiga’s spaces are clean; airu’s isnt that clean but he could tell he’s particular with how he arranges his things; wada said his own space isnt that clean either, but he at least tries to make sure it isn’t that messy (he throws away his +
plastic bottles, etc) but hirose’s and ren’s spaces who were next to his were EXTREMELY MESSY it’s scary lmao
from I - when hirose was making his final comments to wrap up the discussion, he accidentally said, “eijun, chris-sempai, and MIYUKI” and wada was like, “how come there’s no honorific for me? it’s MIYUKI-SEMPAI FOR YOU!” 🤣
from I - hirose mentioned that furuya likes polar bears so he bought a polar bear ice cream at a convenience store and ate it at home 😆 wada was like, “why are you trying to act all cute?” 🤣 +
wada didnt know that bit abt furuya, so hirose told him furuya likes polar bears cos he’s from hokkaido (gotta appreciate how much these actors research for their roles lol)
but wada knows abt how much miyuki likes to cook and he incorporated it in certain scenes even tho it’s not on the script; he did it when ren couldnt be back on stage in time for his next scenes in order to kill time and the audience really loved it 😆
from IV - shiina taizo (ryo-san) said when they have photoshoots, actors would normally cover themselves when theyre in costumes since theyre shooting in a public place (jingu stadium) and ppl would see them, but konishi seiya (mei) was different lol he rly wanted to show off 🤣
seiya said it’s bcos he thought ppl would actually love to see it 🤣 accdg to maki’s actor, when the kids saw seiya in costume they rly thought he was mei 🤣 as they were walking pass the batting center (theres one at jingu stadium), some ppl were whispering stuff like, +
“isnt he the real thing?” and seiya just kept his smug face the way mei would irl 🤣 the other actors said seiya is normally a good, polite kid, but bcos he’s pretty serious abt creating the character, he was super arrogant even during rehearsals 🤣
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