"This difference is all in the approach. Sony has successfully developed several world-class game studios by starting small and carefully building them in a methodical way." https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-11-11/sony-playstation-5-will-win-console-war-against-microsoft-xbox-series-x?srnd=opinion&sref=cSRHqDay
Naughty Dog is the preeminent example of Sony's secret sauce. The studio was acquired when it only had 30 employees. It was grown and cultivated to become the multi-hundred developer powerhouse it is today http://sony.mediaroom.com/2001-01-22-Sony-Computer-Entertainment-America-Inc.-Expands-Its-Software-Development-Operation-With-Acquisition-of-Premier-Games-Creator-Naughty-Dog-Inc.
Sony's home-run acquisition of Guerrilla Games (maker of Killzone, Horizon game franchises) is another great example. It was purchased when the studio had only 95 developers. Now has hundreds of employees https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/98383/Sony_Acquires_Guerrilla_Games.php
Microsoft's track record of buying flashy gaming studios is weak in comparison. Many sub-par performances, turmoil and closures. Rare disappointment, Bungie divorce, Ensemble, Lionhead closed. Recent 343 Halo Infinite troubles. Read this IGN article: https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/06/11/e3-2018-heres-what-happened-to-every-studio-microsoft-has-bought
But what about Bethesda? Too little, too late. Starfield is likely far away. Here's Bethesda's Todd Howard tamping down expectations on Starfield (minute 50:40): "Look, it's going to be awhile"
And the next Bethesda Elder Scrolls game will be likely be a long time after Starfield as well. By that time, you run out of runway in the new console cycle to make a difference https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/1259619185879142402
When GameSpot directly asks the head of Microsoft Xbox on how soon we can expect the new exclusive internal studio games (minute 7:20)? He runs out the clock and avoids answering the question
Sony PS5 has exclusive, tent-pole, showcase games like Demon's Souls -> "Demon's Souls PlayStation 5 Graphics are INCREDIBLE!"
Sony’s fab five - Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, Insomniac and Guerrilla Games - are simply in a different league
Exhibit A https://twitter.com/TmarTn/status/1326742057185128448
Sony PlayStation exclusives: As usual we're getting it done and crushing it

Microsoft Xbox exclusives: 🦗🦗🦗 Umm, perhaps you would like to play a five-year old Halo game?
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
PS5's 3D audio is amazing. I just heard a flurry of bullets flying over my head - felt like 10 feet above - while playing Call of Duty Cold War multiplayer 😲
The accolades about the new PS5 controller are true too. All of it. Truly a next-gen experience: the rumble, touch pad and haptics. You can feel real-life textures, triggers of different weapons and it can simulate things being stuck inside the controller. Mind blowing
Another huge advantage of being the console leader is publishers tend to focus their development efforts on the dominant platform's port. Happens time and time again, benefiting PlayStation. Assassin's Creed should perform better on Xbox, but it doesn't -> https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2020-assassins-creed-valhalla-ps5-vs-xbox-series-x-s
Three out of the six games nominated for the best game of the year awards are exclusive to PlayStation
If you want to play the best exclusive games like Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima and God of War, you should buy a PS5. If you want to play the best-performing version of 3rd-party games like Assassin’s Creed and Dirt 5, you need to get a PS5. So, why would anyone choose Xbox now?
Herd mentality is strange. 2 months ago majority of FinTwit & media were more optimistic for Xbox on its fancy biz strategy. But, I'll say it again. Gaming is all about who has best blockbuster games. PS5 has them, so Sony will dominate Xbox for years. It’s not going to be close.
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