gonna start a big tweet thread about my thoughts on the preseason changes sry for the spam probably wont start it for another few hours though 🖤
to start off I think adc's will be strongest with things like onhit immediately I think champions like lucian and draven will be very common with lethality being as strong as it is. I'd be willing to assume that on-hit adc's with enchanter supports will be very common
It's also worth considering how strong the new support item staff of flowing water is I think it should bring the power level of enchanters up a lot, I think the only relevant tank items are the support ones with almost all of them being really solid options
Overall I think lethality items seem to be extremely overtuned mainly considering prowlers claw almost certainly needing a hotfix
Mages seem to be struggling with the power level of their own items seeming slightly weaker aside from archangels and potentially ludens on specific champs like leblanc (but I think this is countered out by the power level of mr available on ad champs like maw)
I think scaling mages such as ryze, kassadin, anivia might have a chance with the power level of archangels but only if they have enough time and are able to stabilize not sure if they will be able to keep up with champs like lucian, talon, zed, qiyana running around the map
some of the ap items could have interesting effects like chogath with ever frost or singed with some of the new items. night harvester or protobelt could be really solid on a champion like kennen or fiddlesticks
I also think ezreal could have some really unique build paths with triforce almost certainly not being an option. Stormrazor looks much better than rfc rn if u end up going crit on champions like xayah or cait
bruisers and their items seem incredibly strong and I assume they will take over the top lane meta, items like steraks, maw, hydra are all incredibly gold efficient and will be seen throughout everylane
really excited to see how rageblade interacts with champions like ezreal and ashe could see it becoming very standard depending on how everything pans out
patch might also have positive effects on junglers like khazix and kayn but im really unsure on how the jungle changes will play out other than farming being really solid
top lane bruisers like darius, renekton, wukong, jax, camille should look to really excel this patch. Some more interesting top champs to consider are things like garen, quinn, rengar, tryndamere, draven, lucian
high success rate mid laners are a little harder to judge but I would assume things like talon, lucian, zed should shine with katarina being interesting and potentially very strong as well as rageblade yone and yasuo being huge question marks
haven't played yet but I think riven and pantheon could be really strong while tanky / supportive junglers could make a comeback
gonna bring back this thread after having a little over a week to play with the changes and try and speculate on some things and maybe some picks that I don't see played enough
as always really happy to talk about the game feel free to dm on twitter or discord if any of u ever wanna discuss anything
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