Meyer proposal to lower minimum lot size and lot width to 3,000 and 32 ft.
Staff would feel better about 4,000 or 4,500 square feet. "This is a pretty significant change," says planner Jason Wittenberg.
Wittenberg says because guidance on lot size is not in the 2040 plan, that's telling about the intentions of the plan.

Commissioners Luepke-Pier and Sweasy in opposition.
Sweasy says "we're not here to reopen" the 2040 plan.
Caprini, in support of Meyer amendment, says Minneapolis is on a path to becoming a mini Manhattan without housing for families. "I keep feeling like every week we're combatting what we're trying to solve."
Meyer responding to Wittenberg, says the 2040 plan left a lot of details unaddressed. "It's our job to implement those details today."
Luepke-Pier says lowering the lot requirement would deprive existing lot owners of receiving variances based on practical difficulties.
Luepke-Pier, who is an architect, says zoning isn't simple. It's very complex. That's why we need licensed professionals to navigate it. "I cannot fathom any version of this that I would support."
Meyer says he's open to compromise on the exact square footage, and that he thinks it's important to eliminate disparities for minimum lot sizes between different parts of the city.
Motion fails 4-3.

Yes: Caprini, Meyer Olson

No: Luepke-Pier, Marwah, Sweasy, Schroeder
Chris Meyer comes back with a motion to standardize lot sizes at 5,000 and eliminating the "large lot size provision."
What is the large lot size provision? When a lot is proposed to be subdivided, approval is based on the average of other lots within 350 feet. As our architect friends will tell you, zoning is complex.
Gaffe: Commissioner Caprini just called Commissioner Luepke-Pier, Commissioner Loopy Pear.
I'm pretty glad to see this pass. Thanks to Chris Meyer for being an unbearable pain in the ass for the right reasons.

Yes: Caprini, Marwah, Meyer, Olson, Schroeder

No: Luepke-Pier, Sweasy
Meyer proposals to double the density bonus for grocery premium, and add some deeper and more geographically expansive affordability bonuses.
Rockwell takes aim at skyways. Imagine living in the alternate timeline where the War on Skyways is alleged to have cost Democrats a Senate majority.
Luepke-Pier is worried about "lopping stories off a building if it's not selling the right number of bananas and apples." I could see Cam Gordon doing this. I rate it as mostly true.
We should put bananas and apples and whole grains in the zoning code. So that you have to hire an architect and a dietician to build your ADU.
Chris Meyer advocating for the living above a grocery store and without a car lifestyle.

Counterpoint: I already walk over to Aldi more than I should, and I live an entire block away.
Schroeder said he's in support of the intent, but the grocery premium is "not ready." Maybe doesn't belong in the zoning code. Possibly in a different ordinance.
Speaking of food, Caprini is "moving about the house trying to get some nourishment" because she hasn't had dinner yet.
Sweasy is "not comfortable picking types of businesses" for incentives. "Not everybody wants to live above a grocery store... The market should set that."
Motion to double grocery store premium fails 6-2.

No: Caprini, Luepke-Pier, Marwah, Schroeder, Sweasy, Esmaeili

Yes: Meyer, Olson
I thought we were talking about affordable housing, and suddenly Commissioner Rockwell is imagining a bleak future where "we build 47 grocery stores and only sell one banana a day." Nobody will say his name, but people really do believe the worst about Cam Gordon.
#WedgeLIVING: One thing I never used to realize you can do is snap off one banana at a time in the grocery store. They can't arrest you. Just a tip for childless losers who end up with rapidly rotting bananas.
Meyer's motion to double the affordability premium passes 5-2

No: Luepke-Pier, Sweasy

Yes: Caprini, Meyer, Olson, Schroeder, Esmaeili
Meyer trying to solve all the world's problems in one night. He thinks this is the park board. Trying to take us all the way to 11.
Caprini in support of bonus for family sized housing near schools. Thinks the problem is urgent. Marwah skeptical, says we can't know that the 2 and 3 bedroom apartments won't be occupied by roommates rather than families with children.
Rockwell trying to guide the commission away from specifying any particular housing is only for certain kinds of families. It's a constitutional issue.
Luepke-Pier: "it needs to go back in the oven for a little bit."

Is everything tonight about food or is it just my ears?
A pro family planning commission would keep you from breaking any single banana away from the bunch.
The family sized housing bonus fails.

Yes: Esmaeili, Meyer, Olson

No: Luepke-Pier, Marwah, Schroeder, Sweasy

Abstain: Caprini
Conversation about affordable housing item b. Meyer suggesting we need Portland-style reforms. Says he thinks the city council is likely to move on this, so he won't make a motion.
Rockwell and Sweasy debating skyways.

Rockwell: "We don't need to incentivize them. They're happening anyway."
Caprini: put your gloves on, put your boots on. "That's what's up."
Sounds of an unmuted child moaning.
Several more things approved:

➡️Eliminating skyway bonus.
➡️Making enclosed parking mandatory rather than a bonus.
➡️All the words in this picture.
Built form approved as amended tonight.

Rockwell: the time spent tonight (since 4:30) reflects the magnitude of the changes. Commends the staff time that went into it. "It's a big, big body of work."
Are there people still on the phone waiting to testify for tonight's second public hearing? Yes! The Friends of the Mississippi River never gives up.
I'm about 12 minutes behind this livestream because I had to get up a few times for Halloween candy. Someone called in to plug a Rick Nelson article titled "design disasters."
Weird fact about Rick Nelson is that I don't think I ever followed him or initiated a conversation with him yet I'm blocked. Am I the bad guy? I only ever remember him quote tweeting me a few times to get his followers to tell him how ugly some new building was.
Former Ward 3 council member Diane Hofstede is on the line. She calls the Mississippi River only "the third greatest river in the world." You can see why she lost to Jacob Frey.
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