THREAD : If ‘Transwomen are Women’ without question or exception, it would be expected that they would offend in similar ways and numbers to natal women. That is not the case

Based on stats from Scotland and England/Wales and with reference to Howard League Research 1/
on the incidence of Males id-ing as women in prison:
Across the UK0.03% of the adult female population;
0.4% of the adult male population; 0.7% of the transwomen population will be in prison at any one time. In terms of Sexual Offences, Howard League research on the rate of 2/
males identifying as women in prison along with information obtained by WPUK & verified by the BBC,‘Transwomen’ commit sexual offences at up to 100 times the rate of women and 3 times the rate of other men.
THREE times the rate of other men. @DeptJusticeIRL @AmnestyIreland @IPRT
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