One of the talking heads on the news over the weekend said something that’s stuck in my brain.

“We basically childproofed the Presidency for this person, & now we’re going to have to childproof the transition.”

It’s astonishing how the country & the system has coddled this man.
Everything about the Presidency was made soft & easy for Trump. Literally large print & bright colors. Protected from consequences at every turn. A booster seat for every throne.

And he STILL fucked it up.

And we’re STILL covering the outlets & safety latching the cabinets!
No one wanted to call the election long after they would have for anyone else. We’re just allowing him to throw a tantrum & not concede. His people will sabotage transition & we won’t punish them for it

It is the apotheosis of warping the world for the ease of mediocre white men
Mueller literally seemed Trump’s offspring too stupid to prosecute, as though they’re children in juvenile court. Yet they too are coddled & given time to learn (they didn’t), given illegal posts & access.

Everything about these 4 years has been padded, proofed, & simplified.
Be absolutely certain Biden/Harris will get no such benefit of the doubt. If they does not fix the country long before inauguration, the whole political spectrum will scream for their head. It’s already started.

Such is the lot of a Democrat, progressive, liberal, or blue dog.
I do wish that’s something the progressive wing understood.

Progressives won’t be spared the unequal treatment, expectations, consequences, or short rope to make everything perfect by lunch any Democrat has to deal with.

In fact, it’ll probably be worse.
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