W/ @ykrupnikov @m_levendusky @ryanbq & Druckman, we find Americans misperceive how ideologically extreme & politically active out-partisans are. (Most are moderate and not obsessed w/ politics!)

Correcting these misperceptions reduces polarization. 2/n

And a great paper by @m_levendusky and @namalhotra shows that Americans overestimate disagreement between partisans and these misperceptions increase negative feelings toward one another. 4/n

So it's actually really important that media are careful when describing political conflict. If it's primarily occurring at the elite level, say so. Misperceptions of our fellow citizens can have big consequences. 5/5
OK so that first typo-ridden tweet in this thread should say: I wish this headline would specify *Republican* leaders..

Tweeting before coffee is a mistake and that's the real take-away here.
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