Questions I have for y’all oomfs who tweet “I want a gf/bf” daily /gen
Do you believe in love or love at first sight ?
Do u tweet this because you’re bored or because you’re lonely and want a s/o?
Are you actually trying to look for a s/o or do u tweet this to see if miracles happen?
If someone replied/dmed basically saying “ya same do u want to try it out” would you ignore them?
Have you ever made a bf/gf/nbf application tweet?
Do you believe in online relationships
If so, have you ever been in one? Did it work out well?
Would you be committed to starting an online relationship? Even tho you’ve never seen them irl.
Do you care about distance?
Do you think it would work out?
End of thread ig? Stream miku if u love me
You can follow @NEK0MACLT.
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