Afrika’s TOTEMIC Animal

Did you know the word TOTEM comes to us as coined by Euro Gentile anthropologists who got idea from our Afrikan ancestors the OJIBWA, in Amerika around Lake Superior. The most basic from of the WORD in JIBWA is believed to be OTE,...
...but 18th-century English speakers encountered it as OTOTEMAN (MEANS “HIS TOTEM”), which became the word TOTEM. But what is the MDH word for TOTEMs?

Thus our Bantu Ancestors definition of HTP is HUTUPO which is TOTEM(S)- that which serves as an ancestrally connecting point...
...of veneration & mystic emblem.


1. Natural Life-Nature holds the most powerful energies on Earth. Without Totems we fail to consciously plug into these cycles and movements, Your Soul life on this planet then is hijacked into... artificial system managed by crooked entities...

2. Ancestral Recognition Totems become the Philosophical paths through which we chisel our behaviour based on their proven success ways, ideological, mystical, emotional, reverential, and genealogical relationships...
...specific of the ORIGINAL MDH WHO assigned person with animals or natural objects, the so-called totems.

3. Your Totems always accompanies, belongs to, and are like a guide and warner of dangers. They also punishes ANY breach on known or UNKNOWN Taboos.
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