This is why we do what we do at @EROCAustralia. Too many men who will go on to positions of incredible power learn that they can get away with sexual assault & sexual harassment while they're at university #4corners
It takes a village to protect an abuser & those villages have stretched - & continue to stretch - from university campuses all the way to parliament house #4corners
This is also why we can't get the current government to take any action at all on sexual assault & sexual harassment in university communities. The village must protect the village #4corners
It follows a consistent pattern. A survivor reports to a uni. The uni refuses to take action. The perpetrator is emboldened, reoffends & repeats their behaviour once they graduate & enter the workforce. The uni teaches them that they can get away with it #4corners
And the current government has sent a clear message to the unis that they can continue to allow to teach those abusers that they can get away with it. And now everyone knows why #4corners
Remember, folks. It takes a village to protect an abuser & that village is often comprised of other abusers. What you hear about will only ever be the tip of the iceberg #4corners
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