Mathematical Anxiety:
It is 'The panic, helpless, paralysis and mental disorganisation that arises among some people when they are required to solve a mathematical problem.'
This is a very real anxiety disorder that affects a very high proportion of people. It can make people question their ability in maths, even if they have strong skills. It can cause people to have panic attacks and breakdowns when doing maths. Most people have never heard of it.
Things that cause maths anxiety:
• Deadlines of timed tests
• The fear of public embarassment
• Influence of teachers
Symptoms of maths anxiety:
• Nervousness when doing or thinking of maths
• Passive behaviour
• Lack of confidence
• Feeling of permanency
• Panic during tests or when answering questions
I made this thread because I started googling 'I want to quit maths' and 'why does maths make me so anxious'. This is very real. I thought I was just stupid or incapable but learning that this is a common disorder makes me feel a bit better. It's okay to not find maths okay.
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