good moments from today i am thankful i am fulfilled i am improving every day and i have a bright future ahead of me :))))
these lil end of day check ins are rlly working for me !! lots of pain is self inflicted and when you look around at everything you have instead of what you’re missing everything just gets better
y’all like i rlly don’t have that many friends and i’m just learning that i’m not stuck in any position!! you can simply change!! and even then the relationships i have i hold rlly dear to my heart like everything is okay nothing is ever as bad as you think it is
i love romanticizing my life my idealist brain is encouraging it
ok but this is seriously a screenshot of every convo over text i had today. like these are the few ppl i talk to every day besides my family and i’m happy
this thread it getting too long oops it’s journaling mode but also!! the fourth girl is someone i kinda just reconnected with?? like idk that’s sweet to me and i have other friends that aren’t active on social media/devices so i try to call them too just!! learning to be content
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