Khun and Taec have the most high school friends kind of friendship among 2PM: not overly affectionate (unlike #NeverEndingHoneymoon but lesbereal WHO IS), constantly give each other shit, and call one another 'bro.'

Taeckhun's friendship is more American in this sense - that they're not too physically affectionate. I'd most closely compare their friendship vibe with Chanuneo although Chanuneo is clingier (?), but the giving-each-other-shit vibe is the same.
I stand by my assessment that Chansung and Wooyoung has a very playground sandbox buddy vibe. They just play together really well and could easily spend hours (perhaps wordlessly) just doing something together.
Minjun seems to be really consistent with his dynamics with everyone. He's just a neverending well of love and affection - it just so happens that Khun matches his level of cheese the most, hence #NeverEndingHoneymoon.
With Junho, he seems to either give you a lot of shit (see: Chansung and Taecyeon) or be protective (see: Minjun). Khun and Wooyoung seem to lie somewhere in between those two spectrums.
Adding this analysis from GRHC's special Hanok village episode~
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