For an ethnic group that claims to follow the steps of Islam and still has one of the largest starving, out of school, and poor people in the country, here's a short story.

Umar (the Caliph/Islamic ruler) went out one night to check on the citizens as usual, then he met someone.
A mother cooking and her kids crying, he asked why they're crying and the Mother said they're hungry, apparently, she was cooking just stones and water hoping the kids will get tired and sleep off, this was how bad it was for them. Umar went back home, brought food and
cooked, gave the children their meals, then the woman realized he was the ruler. He apologized for not doing his work properly and promised to pay more attention.
Did I mention that he carried the bags of food himself that night feeling really sad all through?
If you want to claim you're following Islam as a tribe, you can't just pick the part that suits your agenda whenever you like. It doesn't work that way..
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