Non-binary fam!!! What do you wish cis people knew//what would make them better allies to you?

Cis & Binary Trans folks~ please just listen (no questions pls)
Personally I just wish everyone examined their preconceived notions of gender more.
I wish folks wouldn’t make such a big deal about pronouns//do that thing where they act like it’s SO hard to learn how to use NB pronouns. We all use they/them pronouns without using it & I ALSO had to learn about pronouns at one point & it’s really not that hard.
I wish folks would look into the history of gender. ESP how our current gender binary is colonial and white supremacist as fuck. NB genders are not new & have been found in indigenous cultures throughout history.
cis is not a slur and neither is TERF. I’m not explaining this. There’s a plethora of think pieces about this already. Just go find one.
ask ~everyone~ their pronouns stop assuming people are cis.
This one ~should~ be obvious but don’t bring us around your friends that won’t be welcoming of our identity or use our pronouns. And honestly you should take the time to educate those folks or stop being friends with them.
You can be trans and not experience gender dysphoria. Overall just stop policing people’s identities and experiences.
Don’t ask people about their genitals....... why is this something that has to be said....
Don’t ask people what their dead name is and if you know someone’s dead name you take that shit with you to your grave.
If I correct you after misgendering me, it means I still wanna be friend with you. If I don’t, I’m probably gonna ghost you soon tbh because I’m fucking over it.
Also being non-binary doesn’t have a ~look~. Often folks think being non-binary means you have to serve some sort of thin bodied white androgyny all the time and that’s..... harmful in a whole lot of ways.
this one is 10000% personal. But I promise you I know that I have tits. My tits are also ~nonbinary~. having boobs doesn't make me a woman & the fact that you can ~see them on occasion doesn't mean my pronouns or identity have suddenly changed.
everyone is different but I have a hard time correcting people when they misgender me because i'm ~afraid of confrontation~ so if you catch someone misgendering me and can quickly say "they*" or "shantilly actually uses they/them" I would greatly appreciate it.
if you're not sure just ask your friend "hey, if people misgender you would it be helpful for me to correct them?" and act accordingly
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