Do I understand that Biden has called for unity. I get that. I understand that and that is a lofty goal. But that cannot happen until Trump's own supporters take a long hard look at their own actions during these four years. They do not get to escape blame.
For four years consistently these people outright terrorized people just going about their daily lives. Some of them even more extreme went and shot up synagogues and threatened murder. Remember when he got elected and there was an increase in racist incidents?
What happened under Trump was abnormal it was like no other Presidency before him. I do not remember to my knowledge Romney or Bush's supporters acting like this. With that being said I don't believe all 70 million + people who voted for Trump are entirely Hardcore MAGAites.
Some of them probably are just people who go out and work or have a job and come home and maybe they thought "well this guy is going to cut my taxes and fight for my job." And sure that may be wrong but I've heard stories like this.
To those people of that persuasion who did vote for him. I think we may, may be able to talk. But for the hardcore MAGAites, the "deplorables", the racists and the white nationalists who did vote for him, you have a ton of soul searching to do. Look inside yourself.
Ask yourself what is it you're afraid of? Deconstruct your thoughts. Actually try and learn and think about what led you to vote for this man and if its rational. I know many of you will read this and say "f***ing liberal" but god help me maybe I get through to one person.
That's one person who maybe thinks and changes their ways. I'm trying to stay positive, and yes I admit as in every election season. Passions run high and I'm sure I've written things I regret and some of them are likely inflammatory. I recognize nobody is perfect.
Here's the great thing, if you have supported Trump and you think you've made a mistake, the first step to becoming a better person is to admit it. It's not weak at all. And while it will take a long time for people to get over your transgressions. You can be a better person.
Let me make it clear I have a lot of arguments with people even further to my left and while I generally agree with their opinions I maybe feel they don't always have the best strategy to achieve said goals. There is room for dissent believe it or not.
Anyway, I've given a long thread here. I don't know if it means anything but the point is. If you are MAGA, you can change and be accepted again into polite society. It won't happen over night but maybe, just maybe this thread might be the beginning of it. At least I hope.
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