The bars and restaurants are closing early and you are missing major hang out time with your girlfriends. But you can still be the life of the party and create great cocktails from the comfort of your own home.
Don't miss out on the fun and create your favorite drinks by using a few gadgets to create your own bartending kit. All these neat bartending gadgets may have you yelling 'NORM!' to whoever walks in through the door.
Shakers help blend some of your favorite cocktails (like a margarita) for a fuller, tastier flavor.
Bar glasses help give your drink that bar flair versus using a random cup in your home. You should invest in a few different types of drink glasses or narrow it down to the specific type of drink that you like and focus on those glasses.
Shot Glasses ( ) These are very self-explanatory! Sample your favorite spirits with these whimsical or nostalgic 1 ozs to 2 ozs glasses. Or if you are like me, you want to relive your college years but love the fact that you can pass out in your own home.
Measuring how much liquor you are drinking may be a bummer, but it's necessary if you want to create a tasty cocktail. Invest in a little tool called a Jigger ( ).
This will allow you to measure many of your ingredients such as mixers, spirits, and other liquids.
The best way to chill your drinks without spilling all your drink is to use a strainer. There are three main types of strainers you can use.
Impress your girls on your next COVID friendly party! Bartending at home is a fun way to get the party going and to test your creativity!
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