This is basically what Qanon looks like right now. I'm not saying it is Qanon, but I think these protests are a manifestation of the Qanon phenomena and thus people who don't know who Q is become accumulated into the mass of conspiracy regardless
To answer the questions on the placard that the mum is quite obviously more responsible for than her child:

Because kids are superspreaders, you shouldn't be at school, you're only at school because of dickhead MPs and you all might get sick and die or never be the same again
Annie's conclusion is that we should be empathetic to people drawn in but firmly reject the lies - the ideas that COVID isn't a danger to anyone, or that survival and death are the binary outcomes are those lies, and they don't move me
What moves me is the way elites in our country have used this as a chance to siphon funds through an ailing society into their friends bank accounts while ratfucking downward indiscriminately - there is however more at stake here than if the protest was about space paedos
I'm a little worried some on the left are being unclear in their messaging on this and it's important that while fighting the injustice of pandemic austerity and corruption we don't become welcoming or even soft on COVID skepticism
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