This year, we are introducing a pay-what-you-feel aspect to our publishing. What do you think about that? It means we are positioning ourselves somewhere between self-publishing and traditional. It also means shared risk. Do you think being published should be free?
We use a print on demand model and offer editing, proof reading, design, layout, author copies, reviews, production and trailer creation, along with promotion. In the past, I (Anna) have done all of the above for no payment.
We clearly state what we offer and that it is definitely pay what you feel before anyone even submits their books to us.
We want to pay editors and graphic designers specifically so most of the nominated fee goes toward this. Do you think that's fair? As a poet, what are your thoughts?
I'm writing this thread to start a transparent conversation about how we operate and the challenges we face.
That last question wasn't intended as snark. I'm genuinely interested in people's thoughts on this.
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