Hi, it's been a bit since I last posted anything substantial on here haven't I?

There's a good reason for that, I assure you and that's just what I'm going to explain to you right now. This thread is going to be a long one, so get comfortable....
To put it simply, I've just been trying to put some distance between myself and Twitter as of late.
I think to say that 2020 wasn't a great year would be kind of underselling it. 2020 was just an absolute mess of year for us all. What with the variety of issues going on in the world and the coronavirus pandemic forcing us all to stay inside, it's been one heck of a ride.
Being forced to stay inside has given me a lot of time for self-reflection and to say that it's been quite the personal journey.....well, I think that would be heavily sugarcoating it with a cherry on top.
I feel like this year, I've been through quite the ringer personally.

I cut ties with a group of friends I was once very close with, I confronted a variety of personal issues that have been plaguing me for years, all while the world was burning.
I've learned a lot this year, about who I am and what I want to do.
I want to create characters/art, tell stories, engage in friendly conversations about shared interests/interesting discussion points, and to have fun with it.

Twitter is not the place for that.....at least, not right now for me.
I've said this before, but I feel that Twitter has just become really unfriendly as of late, with arguments seeming to break out of nowhere for just the most silliest of reasons.
Insults are exchanged, words are thrown around without context, and people just can't seem to accept that not everyone agrees with their opinions.

It's just gotten to the point where I've had enough.
I'm not going to be deleting my Twitter, it's just that there won't be much interaction going on here. Maybe at some point in the future I might feel more comfortable using it again, but for now, I just think I need some space.
As for the state of reviews......by this point, I don't know and that's all I can really say on the matter.
If you've read this thread the whole way through, then I'd like to thank you for reading it. I know I say this with every long thread of mine, but it really does mean a lot to me that you took the time to hear what I have to say.
You can follow @gamerguy235.
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