one of the things that I was talking to my ADHD coach about earlier in the summer is that it feels like rather than some binary of true or false that ADHD is a spectrum and the symptoms vary depending on context for an individual.
So however you choose to handle it (or not) being aware of changes that can impact how your brain is working can help you be more accepting of your brain.

This has been incredibly freeing. The last few days has been a GIANT change and I can see how it impacts my thought process
It means that I have to do some adjustments to my frameworks and strategies.

I think it's important to talk about these things because we need to normalize talking about brain health. Maybe you see some comics that make you think "that sounds a lot like me but that doesn't"
The comics for ADHD brains aren't to say that ALL ADHD brains work this specific way all the time. There is a multitude. If you find _ANY_ comfort in seeing some partial representation, that's great.
And if at some later point you find yourself experiencing those particular symptoms that you didn't associate with yourself.. congratulations. You know a little bit more about your brain.
and there aren't enough words to describe the different things I mean here. Because it's not that I'm saying that having ADHD is unhealthy for my brain. That's just my brain.

What is unhealthy is when I have uncontrollable cyclic anxiety; can't do the things that I want to do
Maybe the problem is that we don't have a name for what the type of thinking that someone does who has ADHD and ADHD mainly is talking about the symptoms you experience and how they (negatively) affect your life. Those symptoms can vary.
and another part of this problem is that you take the way your brain works and apply your value system and then that varies presentation a lot too.

As I was leaving my last job, I asked the ADHD coach would it be ok if I didn't do a particular thing that really mattered to me
It just really was stressing me out because I felt like I was being a bad employee if I didn't do this thing.

I wasn't prepared for them to tell me "That's not in your job description. That's your personal values".
So the TL; DR; of this thread is:

* Brains are complex.
* Talking to people about your assumptions can help debug your meta-programming.
* Change can impact your brain, be kind to yourself.
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