Because of the way that various states counted the votes (some counted Election Day votes first and then mail ballots; some did it in the opposite order), 10 states saw the winner change after half of the vote was counted.

5 of these states were won by Biden and 5 by Trump.
As a matter of fact, the 5 states that had Biden leading at the point where half of the vote was counted that eventually were won by Trump were worth MORE electoral votes than the 5 that had Trump leading at the halfway point that shifted to Biden.
The following states had Trump leading when 50% of the votes had been counted but shifted to Biden after more votes were counted:

Georgia (16)
Michigan (16)
Pennsylvania (20)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
The following states had Biden leading when 50% of the votes had been counted but shifted to Trump after more votes were counted:

Iowa (6)
Kansas (6)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Texas (38)
Note that in many of these states, counting of the votes that had been legally cast on or before Election Day continued for some time after 11/3. In every election, it takes time to count votes.
But in this election, 56 million Americans voted by mail. And Trump encouraged his supporters to vote in person and told them to not trust mail voting (except in Florida).

Consequently, many Trump voters voted on Election Day. On the other hand, mail voting skewed toward Biden.
But if the vote counting had been stopped when only half the vote was in (which would have meant different things in different states), Trump would have won Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia. And Biden would have won Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas.
Dave Wasserman ( @Redistrict) of the Cook Political Report had been warning for at least a week before the election of "red mirages" and "blue mirages" in different parts of the country.
Meaning, some states looked like they were going to Trump but it was a mirage b/c the votes that would eventually swing the state to Biden hadn't yet been counted.

And some looked like they were going to Biden b/c the votes for Trump hadn't been counted yet.
All of this was made more complicated b/c:

- A partisan divide was created in the method of vote. Trump voters voted more in person (like he told them to). Biden voters voted more early and by mail.

- The fact states had different timing for counting different types of ballots.
Ironically, for all the "Stop The Count" craziness, had the count been stopped, say, when half the vote had been in, that would have worked to Trump's disadvantage. Not to his advantage.
Biden has won the election so far 279-214. If the counting had been cut off after 50% of the votes had been counted, yes, Trump would have won Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. But Biden would have still won and by an even greater electoral margin, 288-205.
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