The thing that people get wrong about me is I am not left wing, not in the traditional Socialist sense. I am not right wing or centrist either. I am humanist.
Socialism has provided some tools for making society better, but it is not an end in itself. As an ideology it can both inform and blind. As a tool is has some principles for fairer societies.
Conservatism has it right that people need ambition and to seek that ambition, but it has a major issue with selfishness and often those on the right become mean spirited and sometimes fascist.
Centrist seek a middle ground without understanding that seeking such without a firm idea of what you want to achieve leads to just being piss weak without any ideas.
I am fundamentally an anarchist of the Voltairine de Cleyre school of thought. Pure volunteerism as the basis of society without compulsion. The three main ideologies have a shared weakness: strongmen taking over. Communism/Stalin fascism/Franco centrism/current Chinese leader
None have explored how strongmen take over, why societies welcome them even though they invariably end in collapse. Where does this desire/repulsion dynamic of the strongman come from? How did it get into our psyche? How do we end it?
Communism in the Soviet Union failed because BOTH LENIN AND STALIN WERE COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARIES. They were strongmen who took over the revolution and turned communism into statism. And yet the left has failed to examine this in any great detail. Mao was the same.
Until the socialists examine in detail how counter revolutionaries take over and become strongmen they will keep creating new soviet unions if they ever get enough power. Similarly those on the right wil keep creating Hitler's, Francos, and Trumps.
As a Voltairine School Anarchist, rather than an Emma Goldman school anarco-communist, I believe we can create an anarchist / volunteerist society that is inoculated against strongmen taking over and creating dystopia. But that takes maturing as a species.
Climate collapse might be the school of hard knocks that brings on this maturity in our species, if we survive it. And if we survive it without walking into an authoritarian dystopia. But we have to examine ourselves and our weakness towards strongmen, and fast.
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