AOC Deep Dive part 1:

Here are AOC's personal House Financial Disclosure 👇 She has filed 4 total.

Every member of Congress and congressional candidate must file one annually.

They are publicly available here:
What do hers tell us?

Well, when AOC initially filed to run for Congress, she filed in NY-15! She amended it 10 days later to run in NY-14.


She filed financial disclosures forms in BOTH districts...on 4/30/18!

Even though she changed her candidacy to NY-14 a year earlier
But that's not the only difference.

These Candidate Disclosures were both submitted on the same day, 4/30/18:

- The "2017" one was filed under NY-15
- The "2018" one was filed under NY-14

👇These are my guesses as to which "current year" & "previous year" she's referring to.
She didn't file her "New Filer" disclosure, until 5/15/19.

This disclosure claims to cover 2017 to 2018, but it actually seems to cover 2018 & 2019.

How does it line up with what she filed as a candidate? Not great.

(I tried to line these up by year... it's very confusing!)
What did we learn?

1) AOC earned AT MOST $3588 from bartending in 2018 based on her own financial disclosures, but she says stuff like this:

"For 80% of this campaign, I operated out of a paper bag hidden behind that bar"
What did we learn?

2) She hid $3585 of 2017 income from Union Square Catering for some reason on the other disclosure she filed on the same day.
And here's her most recent disclosure.

It was due 5/15 but she filed a 3mo extension w/a due date of 8/15.

She filed it on 9/12 (late) and there's basically nothing on here, so why on earth did it take her so long?

She didn't even include 2018 income.
Other questions:

1) Why does she have a 401k from NHI? It seems like she worked for them a couple weeks a year.

2) Why did she neglect to mention that she was on the board of Justice Dems until after she was inaugurated?

3) Her inauguration dinner was a $871 gift from Saikat?
This thread is obviously not to poor shame. It's to establish a pattern of lies.

She lied about working 18-hour shifts and running her campaign behind a bar, yet brought home $3488 that year.

She lied about being on the board of Justice Dems.

AOC is a fraud

Part 2 is FEC data
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