‼️thread on @/lizcourserants‼️
(a pedo defender and pro shipper)
this thread will contain mentions of pedophilia and incest so if you’re uncomfy with that just beware
so it all started with lizcourse making a cancel thread on me and my friends about how we were saying slurs we can reclaim. this got her fans to dogpile us (it went on for a good few days).

here are a few screenshots of the thread
this is her carrd. she is in her 20s (she clarified mid to late 20s in dms). she also says and i quote “don’t harass people over cartoons.” that’s kind of a weird thing to say since all she does is attack minors who don’t agree with her (bringing up the fact that she is an adult)
yeah this is her. i don’t think anything needs to be said here.
going back to how she defends pedos, she made about a 50 page doc on fandom discourse basically explaining why it’s ok to sexualize minors and ship incest. let’s not forget the fact that she’s in her mid to late 20s.

here is the doc https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Jo3iLtxfrUWkbPjDEvacSe0cEvt6Uzv7FGyXKV2SnQM/mobilebasic
ships twincest. i don’t understand how incest makes you uncomfortable but you’re fine with twincest. but who am i to judge ig 🤨
more proof that they defend pedos. i don’t think little lizcourse here knows that fiction affects reality 🙁
she likes to throw the word racist around with no context. before she even mentioned she doesn’t like people throwing around the word racist like it’s nothing so idk why she’s doing it too. seems like a bit of a hypocrite to me. (these screenshots are from someone else)
back to the whole age thing, she calls herself “minor coded”. correct me if i’m wrong but what the fuck is that. just because you look like a kid doesn’t mean you can sexualize them.
i might add more to this thread later if i find anything else. but i would recommend everyone to block @/lizcourserants. the angry pro shippers and pedos are gonna probably find this thread and attack me so free blocklist ig
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