0/ Resources on the religious worship of the Seven stars of the Northern dipper
1/ First, here are the stars in Chinese


瑤光 ─ 開陽 ─ 玉衡─天權 天樞
│ │
2/ 太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經
“The most high, sublime and numinous True Scripture of the Original Fates of the Northern Dipper that Extends Life.
An extremely popular Daoist scripture, often recited in elaborate rituals at large temples:
3/ 太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經 (with pinyin)
5/ 太上玄灵北斗本命延生真经注
"A commentary on the Most High, mysterious and numinous Scripture of the Northern Dipper that extends life"

An extensively annotated edn of the Scripture; potentially valuable for translators
6/ Notes to a lecture on the Scripture of the Northern Dipper https://twitter.com/edwardW2/status/1320580790158123008
7/ https://twitter.com/edwardW2/status/1324379421688569856
8/ Translation of part of the Scripture of the Northern dipper by me https://twitter.com/edwardW2/status/1319856854856396800
10/ "The Mongolian Big Dipper Sutra"
A translation into English of the Buddhist Big dipper Sutra; provides a valuable overview of the research on teh subject so far.
11/ 佛說北斗七星延命經
The Scripture of Extending Life [by] the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper, spoken by the Buddha [Taisho 1307]
<For comparison, here are the figures of the 7 stars from No.5 in this thread, 太上玄灵北斗本命延生真经註

http://simple.taolibrary.com/category/category109/c1090457.htm?pageno=677# ff
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