Great article. Very detailed analysis with a step by step practical agenda of what Black women are owed and need to ask for from Biden and Harris. Wonder how many things on this list will be given during their term
Another article with an insanely detailed list of what Black women are supposed to get for their loyalty and vote. If you thought Ice Cube’s Contract With Black America was a detailed ask, this along with Cooper’s piece is even more
These people always write with the same beats in the same order. First the history lesson where they mention iconic figures and try to piggyback off their legacy of work, most often Shirley Chisholm (although to Prof Crunk’s credit she used a deeper cut)
Next comes all the parts where there is hyperbolic description of how by voting Democrat and muling Black women selflessly saved all of democracy and keep reaching America. Maxwell’s piece has similar passages
Then comes what I call the boosterism passage where you spend the article trying to name drop as many of your journalist, politician and academic cohorts from the ideological clique you run with. Maxwell’s whole article is this so I couldn’t just isolate one or two screencaps
Next is the empty threat for some very vague demand that Dems do something for Black women but after already going on about how Black women will always show up for Democrats no matter what. Nothing here is specific and they already admitted they’ll always vote Dem regardless
Next is always the shots at white women (but somehow not white men) and the attention they get
The reason these articles are always so vague and platitude filled about what to give everyday Black women is because they low key don’t really care. What they really are is a job pitch to important white liberals to center them and give them leadership jobs as seen below
By omission, by not mentioning them at all, other goal of these articles is to make Black men appear meaningless in these struggles to encourage the white people these articles are made for not pay them any mind or hire *them*. These pieces are all career advancement that’s it
The truth is these people don’t have their thumb on the pulse of the Black community, male or female. They don’t know what happens on the ground and can’t influence anyone. Why else would Black Trump voters rose across the board despite their constant shilling?
But they want to sell themselves as negro whisperers and influence peddlers so no matter what the data is they’re going to stand in front of the ocean waving their arms and pretending to control the tides and hope white ppl giving out jobs fall for it
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