The ink is barely dry on Biden's first speech as President Elect and already we are hearing “now Democrats must listen to Trump voters”... “Democrats need to reach across the isle”. To that I say an unapologetic HELL NO (1/8)
We did all the introspection after ‘16. We read countless think pieces profiling non-college educated white Trump voters and their concerns. We obsessed over how we had lost touch with rust belt voters. We all read Hillbilly Elegy. (2/8)
We endured four years of unhinged crap, conspiracy theories and divisive, violence-inciting Tweets, from a man who left office the same, small, petty, emotionally stunted man-child that he was the day he entered. (3/8)
He had every opportunity to grow into his role and failed spectacularly. Trump was objectively an unfit, self-dealing monster and the GOP media and political establishment still defended him, excused him and enabled him as he tore this country apart. Inexcusable. (4/8)
Joe Biden is a good man. More forgiving than I am no doubt. He will try to heal the country. But I will never forget.
I'll never forget the 70 million who voted for racism. For sexism. For nepotism. For incompetence. For negligence. For corruption and fraud. (5/8)
For daily, shameless lying. For ignoring the human toll of Coronavirus. For betraying his oath of office. For a man who tried to use the awesome power of his office and the state to extort a vulnerable ally to perform a cheap mafia hit job on his likely rival. (6/8)
Never in my life did I ever expect the United States to sink so low. They all knew better and still they supported him.
So no. The country doesn't owe the GOP one iota of understanding, respect or a listening session. (7/8)
The only thing that’s owed right now is a huge fucking apology from every Trump-supporting member of the GOP to the country for forcing a psychopath on us for four years and not speaking up when it mattered. Otherwise keep your complicit mouths shut you absolute cowards. (8/8)
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