Came across a YJHJK clip on insta tht was worth analysing:

When Aman accidentally hurts Roshni in his Jinn form and finds her the next morning, the convo he & his dadi have about Roshni is interesting...
Tw // injury, die
Aman didn't even love Roshni during this time, & the 1st thing he wants is for ger to be taken to hospital; he knows it will put him in jail but he says,

"I don't care if I go to prison Dadi, she's dying infront of me & whatever happens we are saving her"
This showed what a good guy he is; He would condemn himself for eternity if it meant saving her even tho he didn't know her & it wasn't his fault; he chained himself & screamed her to run but her love for him didn't let her do that.

What was disturbing was what Dadi said;
Dadi's 1st response was "don't let Sara/Saima/Chotu see Roshni like this"; 2nd is that they are not taking Roshni to hospital because Aman would go to jail.

At that moment, she wasn't thinking of another woman in pain but her own grandson & the name of the family.
This is reality in many families; the elders of the family would save their sons at any cost even if it meant the woman suffers. ITV shows always glorify seniors but the truth is they are humans who carry man-made beliefs on customs & reputation w/ them, which includes patriachy.
Every ITV drama has a Dadi/Dadaji whose words are always respected more than anyones'. Most RL families also has a conservative grandparent who is still living in their time & impose their "beliefs" on the younger generation.

"Women should be like this"/"this is our culture"
Now elders are vital, their wisdom is unmatched but at the same time we have to realise that they are also addicted to an institution of patriachy & conservatism that they learned from their own parents. Unless we break this chain, we will never evolve as a society.
What every new generation should do is
to critically analyse their advices & understand the root of them. Easiest way is to ask them why do they believe that? Most of the times they won't have an answer.

Then we must try our best to make them evaluate their ownselves.
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