Ten weeks ago I wrote this long thread about the drive-in convention event

Last night's victory speech with @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris was in the same spot - and I think it was simply the best live event in Dem politics in years - and 2nd place isn't close.

Here's why:

🧵🧵🧵 https://twitter.com/dougblandry/status/1297260786512003073
It was fun to watch this one come together mostly as an observer (I was mostly dealing with all those 🚗🚗🚗 & 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 - in the crowd)

But part of the reason this was amazing is that the major players for this one were the same as convention - so they knew they needed to one-up:
1st - huge credit to the big team (by COVID standards) that pulled this one off. This is *most* of the folks that did this one on the advance side, but it's always hard to get everyone in one place on these things -- we're missing a few, incl our amazing lead @erosenz
Gotta single out @djsigworth (follow him!) - who succeeded my brief term as the unofficial mayor of the Wilmington Riverfront and coordinated the nuts and bolts of what ended up as *five* successive gamedays at the highest level as this thing dragged on.
(he probably doesn't appreciate these pics but since I'm bragging on him he can deal)

Folks may recall that DJ came from the MKE convention and coordinated all of the drive-in watch parties, of which the actual DNCC speech was the biggest one - so he knew what he was in for here
But as with the DNCC in DE -- the normal advance team is just not equipped to produce an event on this level - so for example, the big ideas behind the drones (we'll get to that!) and the pre-parked R/W/B Jeeps were Rod O'Connor's - who served as exec producer of both DNCC & this
And finally - before digging into the event itself - a reminder that (as with the DNCC) the reason this looks better than an event at, say, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, is that *everyone* involved is in it for the right reasons and believes in Joe Biden and this campaign.
Things got underway and the site was fully ready for anything on election night on Tuesday - we had no idea what would happen but this sunset was legit amazing.
You can follow @dougblandry.
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