The past 8 or so months has been a really stressful time for a lot of us that are “essential/sacrificial” workers.

Not only do we have to deal with our normal work related stress, we have to deal with the added stress of working during a pandemic that can actually kill us.
I’m seeing rises in anxiety in my coworkers gradually come to a tipping point where they’re starting to talk about quitting.

The anger and dehumanizing behaviour directed at them because some people just don’t want to wear a mask.
I’m beginning to wonder how this will affect them in the long run, especially the younger employees.

As for me personally, I am going to be switching careers when all is said and done. Not gonna bail out now. Not yet.
With the Christmas shopping season hitting us in a few weeks, I fear that a lot of people in the retail industry will actually be in some sort of danger. Not because of the virus but because of human behaviour.
My fear is someone will just “lose it” and hurt someone because they were slightly inconvenienced while they were shopping.

I hope it doesn’t come to that point. But it is a legitimate fear.
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