Those who are naively calling for reconciliation--aside from neglecting the reality that Trump's sycophants are still, largely, not accepting the results--don't *want* to understand how different Trump was for POC, queer folks, trans people, the undocumented, etc.
The pall of fear was (and, frankly, remains) palpable. People started experiencing hate crimes and abuse where they never had before. Others came to fear detention and deportation. Still more are facing scapegoating and derision from on high.
I had relatives experience people at the grocery store telling them to "go back where you came from" because they were speaking Spanish. Trans friends of mine harassed, beaten. Loved ones arrested on false pretences. Jewish friends sincerely worried about their safety at shul.
I've had to have conversations with my partners that no one *should* have. The "if our existence is criminalised, how do we survive/get out?" conversation. I had another of those on Election Night. Many of my friends did too.
I sincerely wondered, if Trump won or stole a second term, if I'd even be allowed to finish my PhD or allowed to continue to teach, lamenting that I hadn't gotten my shit together sooner to graduate earlier.
All this against a backdrop of watching my rights and the rights of my loved ones chipped away at. Watching my Asian students feel anxiety and exhaustion about being scapegoated for COVID. Not knowing what to tell queer and trans youth about what the future may hold.
Having to console my Muslim and Jewish students after yet another terrorist attack at a house of worship sacred to them. Listening to my trans loved ones seriously consider suicide or detransition. Seeing my Puerto Rican relatives struggle with white co-workers who turned on them
The list goes on.

I do not wish death on the people who caused this horror and trauma--who are, as we speak, fighting to keep it going. Whose central motivation is terrifying members of groups they despise.

But do not ask me to break bread with them. Not now.
None of this terror goes away completely, even if Trump is dislodged from office. But the immense relief so many feel now comes from the fact that we know we have more of a fighting chance with him gone.

That's what's at stake. Not just political aesthetics.
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