Why is there so much smug desire to coddle those who vote/organise/live for our harm?

Like, there is no historical precedent for this that I know of. Nor sense? It’s not Julius got up and was like ‘Judas, mate, let’s get a drink and talk it over, I love you man’
I haven’t heard the story where the Prophet PbuH won the Battle of Badr and then was like ‘yallah, they aren’t so bad, let’s send them some flowers and see how they’re feeling.’
Literally no Trump/Boris/Morrison/etc supporter has ever said to me, you know I see that you’ve worked hard, and I appreciate it, and I’m here for you, and I care. Love!

No, usually it’s something along the lines of ‘DIE YOU BLACK CUNT I CAN’T WAIT TO RAPE YOU WITH A SICKLE’
So pass me by with these sentiments. It’s not ‘going high’, it’s being naive to the true nature of what you’re dealing with — OR it’s a reflection of your positionality in this society.
Obviously there’s nuance, yallah. But I also find it fascinating what behaviours are lauded and rewarded as ‘morally superior’... bc if there wasn’t social cache or capital in these, peeps wouldn’t be out here talking about how good they are at reaching ‘across the divide’...
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