After being stuck with multiple dilemas for a while, I finally made my solution.
This will probably be a long thread explaining my problem but for those who just want to see the drawings.
Here ya go! I am very proud with results.
So for a while, It was a bit weird to distingush Kale and Umbre apart since they look exactly the same. Kale had a backstory, but Umbre was just barren and it looked odd for me to have my character who has a very serious backstory to be cheerful all the time.
I like to think Kale is a character who is trying to figure out her own path in life after being transformed into a crystal arctic fox, its supposedly where the crystal fox story is suppose to take place, so for Kale and Umbre to look the same looked a bit odd.
Another issue I had, I loved the thought of shapeshifting and taking different forms, and I wanted my sona to be able to do that. But it didnt fit right, I wanted a sort of logical explination as to how she could do that instead of just "because I can".
The crystal species I invented does not have the power to shapeshift, maybe then can crystalize into different shapes but not full on shapeshift, since Kale and Umbre at the time didnt have a clear way to distinguish eachother, it would look odd for Kale to suddenly shapeshift.
Ive also loved mythology and foxes for a while, and whats a fox in mythology? A kitsune.
For a year now, I was debating about turning my sona into a Kitsune, but I was afraid of what others might think or hate the idea of turning my sona into a mulitailed fox
When I did my VGAU sona and abilities, someone said for the special ability I did "You missed your potential to make your special a nine tailed fox" and that sparked the memory of me debating about turning my sona into a kitsune.
I was stuck with this doubt cycle for a while, until this recently, I was having a chat with MD about my art style, and how I was afraid others would think otherwise, and their reply was "dont matter what others think".
Heres the screenshot
I didnt think much at that time, but when the kitsune idea popped up again, I was finally filled with a sence of tranquility with an idea that I felt ok with with.
And if others didnt like it? Well, it was gonna have a solution. Or just like MD said, Ignore what others thought
And thus, this thread ends.
I will make a seperate one explaining the change in Kale and Umbre since I dont want to make this thread as long as it is!
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