Ok air signs. It’s your time to get read
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) all operate from a cerebral, “surface” space when talking to strangers and associates. They never get too deep with those they don’t trust.
Air signs have some of the most engrained, subconscious trust issues because of the subtle cues that were in their environment when younger that told them “don’t be too open”.
When growing up, air signs have parents who have a low tolerance for things that “don’t make sense”. Their parents didn’t do well with emotional outbursts, emotional displays or emotional neediness. All things that are natural for children to do.
Because of this, air signs have learned to very strategically disassociate from their emotions JUST enough for it to not cause them to feel out of control because they were taught that it’s a BIG no no to lose control of your emotions.
Gemini grows up around a lot of conversations. A lot of talking, arguing, serious “talks” and joking. Gemini is also left to their own emotional devices on how to PROCESS the emotions that come with words. This wasn’t very highlighted in their childhood.
Gemini also witness a lot of “reactions” over controlled responses. This makes Gemini feel uneasy and anxious in regards to emotions, emotional people and emotional situations.
So Gemini has learned that the best way to deal with emotions is to make themselves busier so that they can be distracted from heavy shit they need to process.
This causes Gemini to appear to be “happy” or “ok” even if everything is falling a part because they don’t want to be viewed or judged as being an annoyance for having negative emotions.
There’s a few things. First, Libra doesn’t give a shit if they offend you after they know what you’re capable of. Libra wants people to like them NOT for approval, but to protect themselves.
Libra grows up around adults where they’ve seen how BAD things could go when you get on someone’s bad side. At least one of their parents or immediate family members are spiteful. Libra see’s the harsh “punishments” that comes with dislike so they try to be on people’s good side.
Libra has had to play the “mature” one as a child more often than not. Libra could’ve grown up around angry or irrational people with very little emotional intelligence.
This has caused Libra to feel like they need to “do it on their own” because they didn’t really receive emotional support or solutions during times of crisis as children.
This causes them to feel anxiety when needed to trust or rely on someone else to help them solve a personal issue in their life. So they don’t unless someone bulldozes their way into being of assistance lol
Because of this, Libra learns to compartmentalize their emotions and deals with issues logically first and will feel the emotions when they feel like they have the space to.
This causes Libra to be a “faker” when it comes to how they present themselves to the world. They want to be seen as being “ok” so people will leave them alone to their own methods of coping so that they don’t have the anxiety of needing to trust someone past their comfort level
So we all know the universal (last 4) signs grow up in a distant household. Everyone has their own life, their own bubble and their own problems.
These things don’t really crossover into “share with family” territory because Aquarius usually grows up in a household where there’s a lack of empathy.
Aquarius then picks up a subconscious view that people lack empathy and nobody really cares about their problems anyway which makes them very defensive.
Aquarius subconsciously assumes that they’ll get attacked for expressing themselves so they usually take a offensive or defensive stance over being open when trying to express anything. Opinions, feelings, thoughts.
Aquarius then relies on their “smarts” to relate and connect to people because it’s the one thing that can’t be refuted, similar to Sagittarius placements.
Aquarius will let people know how they feel, but it’s rarely in a way which shows any vulnerability because Aquarius thinks the world and society is a shitty place and rarely anything good comes from it.
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